And a bit of an update on my life at the moment...
School is a bit of a bog on the brain at the moment... it's taken a while to jumpstart my mind back into school mode, and I'm finding that I haven't retained things quite as well as I had hoped. Especially chemistry equations. But I'm enjoying school, so that's good. Learning is always awesome :)
I shot another wedding today as Lauri's assistant... it was way hotter than previously forecast, and we all got quite warm during the day, but it was a lovely day with lovely people, and we had a lot of fun and were on task and organized throughout it.
So my life is really busy at the moment, but things are going well, besides my husband having to work out of town for the next 2 weeks... :( That's gonna suck! But at least maybe I can use my time to get caught up on things so I can spend more time with him when he get's back...